What to expect



Initial consult: may vary depending on complexity of your condition, between 30 minutes to 120 minutes.
Subsequent visits: between 20-30 minutes for a standard musculoskeletal presentation to 60 minutes for more complex presentation.
If you are running late or can’t make your appointment please call and let us know. There is a fee for last minute cancellation. We require at least 48 hours cancellation notification.
NDIS report writing: varies depending on complexity of your assessment and also type of NDIS care plan review, please contact us to discuss further what is required.

Pricing & Payment

We require payment on the day of treatment. We accept the following payment:


Private Health Insurance

PLEASE NOTE: there will usually be a gap as health insurance will not generally cover you for the full fee. The size of the gap will depend on your level of cover and the generosity of your health fund.

Workcover and third party accident insurance

If you have not received approval from your insurer to have physiotherapy, we require that your account is settled at the time of each treatment as it can take a long time for your insurer to process and approve your claim.

Veteran’s Affairs (DVA)

You will need a referral from your medical doctor prior to treatment.


Medicare provides 5 Allied Health visits per year for eligible services under the Medicare EPC program. You will need a signed EPC form from your GP. We bulk bill, which means the consult is fully paid by Medicare and no gap is charged.

Private health insurance
PLEASE NOTE: there will usually be a gap as health insurance will not generally cover you for the full fee. The size of the gap will depend on your level of cover and the generosity of your health fund.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
If you are a participant of the NDIS and you are plan or self-managed, you may be eligible for fully subsidised physiotherapy through your funding. Please refer to your Support Coordinator or arrange to speak to our team. NDIS referral form (insert link for NDIS referral form) – we will contact you within 1-2 business day of recipient of completed forms to arrange an initial appointment.

What to prepare on your first visit
Prepare any relevant X-Rays, reports, doctors letters, a list of medications you are on, a list of any current medical conditions you may have.
What to wear
Please wear loose fitting clothing or clothing that can easily be removed if required.
Filling out forms
There may be a number of forms to fill out prior to your first visit, so please check your email for any forms to pre-fill prior appointment.
Privacy – We respect and uphold the highest standards in maintaining privacy and confidentiality in line with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. For more information, please visit Ahpra—Policy—Ahpra-Privacy-Policy.PDF 
There may be a discount available for pensioners, self supporting students and health care card holders at the discretion of the administration staff and therapists.

Contact us

We are a trusted Allied Health Service

75 Henley Beach Road, Mile End, SA 5031

Parking is available at the back via 75 Victoria Lane, Mile End SA 5031